The significance of oil is unquestionable for skin care. Oil is like the food for the skin. It penetrates in the skin, moisturizes it, nourishes it and protects it from damage, dryness or itchiness. Currently, the markets are brimming with thousands of expensive skin care products, but have you ever noticed how brutally chemical filled they are?
Yes, the effect of a product whole and sole depends on the ingredients used in making it. Oil is an indispensable ingredient in most of the skin care products, may it be moisturizer, soap or lip balm. I feel that the quality and combination of oils play a prominent role in keeping the skin healthy. There is a huge variety of oils to choose from but my personal favorite are argan oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, coconut oil and rice bran oil.
All these oils are naturally extracted from their respective nuts, seeds, pulp and chaff and have some unique properties which give skin a natural boost. The argan oil is extracted from argan kernel. It naturally contains Vitamin E and Squalene, which helps to deeply nourish you skin. Traditionally, it has been used to treat minor skin infections. It has both antibacterial as well as fungicidal properties. It helps skin from ageing, sunburn and hyperpigmentation.
Do you know: You can use a small amount of Argan oil at hair ends to give them a healthy and shiny appearance. On top it also acts as Anti-frizz.
The avocado oil, in addition to Vitamin E, contain many other nutrients like potassium, lecithin etc. which intensely nourishes the skin. It deeply hydrates skin. When used in proper formulations, it can help increase collagen synthesis, helps sunburned skin and decrease inflammation.
Do you know: Avocado oil is one of those oils which is not extracted from its seed. Rather, it is extracted from the fresh pulp surrounding the big pit in the middle.

The rice bran oil is known as a hydrating oil. It is light and penetrates easily in skin. It contains squalene which makes the skin look fresh and young.
Do you know: Rice bran oil is a super light and luxurious oil. Its anti-comodogenic, so it doesn’t block skin pores. It can be used stand alone on face.